Unable to Sign In
We apologize for the inconvenience and understand that you are unable to play the game right now. If you have trouble signing in to the game, some possible factors may cause it:
The server is down
Insufficient storage and RAM for running the game
Unstable and slow network
Not up to date with the latest version of Full House Casino
How Can I Release the Storage of My Device?
For Android users, you may free up your storage by following steps:
Go to Settings of your device
Select Application
Tap on Full House Casino
Select Storage
Tap on Clear Cache
Restart your device
For iOS users:
Go to Settings of your device
Look for Storage
Select Full House Casino
Tap on Offload
Restart your device
How can I release the RAM of my device?
You may free up the device's RAM by closing all the not-in-use apps in the background.
What other possible factors can affect my connection?
Too far away from your router
Enclosed Space (e.g. elevators, tunnels, or basement)
Connection overtime
Too many devices connected to the router or network
Should you enquire for further assistance, please contact Customer Support.
Kindly prepare the User ID and user name in your original account so that we can assist you more efficiently.